Sunday, March 1, 2009

Starting another month of boredom

Okay, so it's March 1st today. The mortgage payments (1st and 2nd) get pulled from the checking account this week. Should be interesting to explore what else we could possibly cut out of our existence given how little money will be left after that. . .

I've had continued "great" conversations with various folks regarding consulting, contracting, employment, etc., but no firm arrangements yet. It is soooo frustrating and quite boring!! Not since I was on maternity leave have I had so little on my schedule. At least then, someone really, really needed me!

I know I shouldn't complain about all this free time, me time, but geez. . . be careful what you wish for is such a true sentiment. Let me just confirm again, I could never, ever, be a stay-at-home mom full time. And, I can definitely see how some get hooked on soap operas. I personally can't watch them, but I have been known to watch some pretty pitiful reruns (ER from when I was in grad school) and reality shows (America's Next Top Model, anyone?) in these long, languorous afternoons.

By the way, that word (languor) is PERFECT for my life lately - it means a lack of mental and physical energy, or oppressive quiet and stillness! Well, I do get bursts of energy now and again for housecleaning and gym workouts. Thank God, I haven't become a big fat slob, at least.

That's it for now. Off to re-write my resume once again, this time to fit a USDA HR Officer job. Yup, government job - it may be the only stable place to work anymore, dontcha think?